Enrollment Verification

The processing time for enrollment verifications, including guest applications, is 5 business days. Please submit any questions or concerns you have to ro.transcript.order.questions
The Office of the Registrar completes a variety of written verifications for enrollment, degree status, GPA information, credit hours, academic standing, class ranking and tuition/fee charges.
Common verification forms processed by our office include loan deferment forms, good student discount forms, degree and GPA verifications for background screening companies, guest student applications, bar exam questionnaires, licensing board forms, and Canadian tax and loan forms.
Students may obtain enrollment verification certificates free of charge through the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service Site. Students may mail the printed certificate to health insurers and any other organizations requiring proof of enrollment. The certificate should not be used for loan deferment verification purposes. Students can access Student Self-Service Enrollment Certification by logging into Wolverine Access using their unique name and UMICH Kerberos password.
To obtain verification of degree(s) received or enrollment, a student may come to one of our Wolverine Services sites to place an order or complete the Certification Form.
If there is a specific form that needs to be completed (e.g., guest application, Canadian loan or tax forms, licensing board form), please sign the form and send it as an attachment to [email protected].