Degree Audit

My Academic Requirements and Degree Audit Report (pdf) Field Descriptions
Provides a high-level overview of the Degree Audit Report.
Use these forms to communicate to the Registrar’s Office changes to program requirements and course list updates for purposes of maintaining student academic advisement online degree audits.
Policies for changing/updating coded degree audit requirements:
To submit forms:
Course List Update Form (.DOCX)
This form is used to add to or delete from a list of courses that may be used to satisfy a requirement, regardless of student requirement term. If you are making a change to the structure of a requirement, or if the course addition or deletion is conditional upon a student requirement term, please use the Requirement Change Form.
Requirement Change Form (.DOCX)
This form is used to make a change to the structure of a requirement. It is also used to add or delete courses from a course list IF the addition or deletion is tied to a student requirement term. To add or delete from a list of courses that may be used to satisfy a requirement, regardless of student requirement term, use a Course List Update Form.