The Curriculum Department within the Office of the Registrar (RO) is responsible for the maintenance of course information as well as the scheduling of centrally scheduled classrooms for classes and other events.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Spring/Summer 2024
Classes available for updateJuly 19, 2023
Units begin scheduling recurring key academic events (e.g., study groups, speaker series, department meetings)July 19, 2023
Deadline for Enforced Prerequisites per Course Approval Request Form (CARF)Jan. 22, 2024
Recommended date for initial class entryFeb. 12, 2024
Recommended due date for submitting Meet-together class informationFeb. 12, 2024
Deadline for course topicsFeb. 16, 2024
Availability of online PDF schedule of classes and Wolverine Access class searchMarch 1, 2024
Pre-registration backpack beginsMarch 27, 2024
Registration begins for selected unitsApril 3, 2024
Registration by appointment for undergraduates beginsApril 8, 2024
Classes beginMay 7, 2024
Last day of classes for springJune 24, 2024
Spring final examsJune 26-27, 2024
Summer classes beginJune 28, 2024
Last day of classes spring/summer and summerAug. 13, 2024
Final exams spring/summer and summerAug. 15-16, 2024
Fall 2024
Classes available for updateDec. 4, 2023
Units begin scheduling recurring key academic events (e.g., study groups, speaker series, department meetings)Dec. 4, 2023
Deadline for enforced prerequisites per Course Approval Request Form (CARF)Jan. 22, 2024
Initial class data entry cutoff (end of day)Feb. 5, 2024
Deadline for scheduling key academic eventsFeb. 5, 2024
Recommended due date for submitting meet-together class informationFeb. 5, 2024
Freeze: RO Curriculum runs mass classroom scheduling process; units refrain from making class and event changesFeb. 6-12, 2024
Classes available for additional changesFeb. 13, 2024
Clean-up: Units and RO Curriculum make additional scheduling changesFeb. 13-Jun 30, 2024
Deadline for course topicsFeb. 9, 2024
Availability of online PDF schedule of classes and Wolverine Access class searchMarch 1, 2024
Pre-registration backpack beginsMarch 27, 2024
Registration begins for selected unitsApril 3, 2024
Registration by appointment for undergraduates beginsApril 8, 2024
Units begin ad-hoc event scheduling (except during final exam period)July 1, 2024
Classes beginAug. 26, 2024
Submit requests for additional and/or special final exam room requestsSept. 30, 2024
Units begin scheduling non-class events during final exam periodOct. 7, 2024
Last day of classesDec. 9, 2023
Final examsDec. 11-15, 2024
Final examsDec. 16-18, 2024
Winter 2025
Classes available for updateMay 9, 2024
Units begin scheduling recurring key academic events (e.g., study groups, speaker series, department meetings)May 9, 2024
Deadline for enforced prerequisites per Course Approval Request Form (CARF)Sept. 9, 2024
Initial class data entry cutoff (end of day)Sept. 30, 2024
Deadline for scheduling key academic eventsSept. 30, 2024
Recommended due date for submitting meet-together class informationSept. 30, 2024
Freeze: RO Curriculum runs mass classroom scheduling process; units refrain from making class and event changesOct. 1-7, 2024
Classes available for additional changesOct. 7, 2024
Clean-up: Units and RO Curriculum make additional scheduling changesOct. 7-Nov. 17, 2024
Deadline for course topicsOct. 7, 2024
Availability of online PDF Schedule of Classes and Wolverine Access Class SearchOct. 18, 2024
Pre-registration backpack beginsNov. 11, 2024
Registration begins for selected unitsNov. 18, 2024
Units begin ad-hoc event scheduling (except during final exam period)Nov. 18, 2024
Registration by appointment for undergraduates beginsNov. 21, 2024
Classes beginJan. 8, 2025
Submit requests for additional and/or special final exam room requestsJan. 29, 2025
Units begin scheduling non-class events during final exam periodFeb. 17, 2025
Last day of classesApril 22, 2025
Final examsApril 24-25, 2025
Final examsApril 28-May 1, 2025

Instruction Mode

Instruction Mode describes the type of instructional contact between students and instructors. It is defined at the section level, meaning that the lecture and lab sections for the same course may have different instruction modes. The field is updated in Wolverine Access under Maintain Schedule of Classes > Basic Data panel.

P - In Person - Instructors and students meet in a physical location for all scheduled class time. Requested room capacity for in-person sections should reflect the number of students who will be physically present. This is the default mode when a new section is added.

D - Distance - Students receive instruction remotely, using video conferencing technology for synchronous (real-time) classes or asynchronous (recorded) classes. Students and instructors are never in the same physical location.

M - Hybrid (formerly referred to as Mixed) - All students in the section will attend some class meetings in person and all students will participate in some class meetings remotely. Requested room cap for a hybrid section should reflect in-person attendance on any given day.

Some examples of hybrid meetings include:

  • Class meets in person on Mondays and remotely on Wednesdays.
  • Half of the students meet in person on Tuesdays and remotely on Thursdays. The other half of the students meet remotely on Tuesday and in person on Thursdays.
  • Class meets in person once a month and all other class meetings are remote. This is still considered hybrid.

Remember, if some students in a section are participating in the class exclusively remotely, a separate distance section should be created for these students.

Department Services

Curriculum Training

Class Creation - To gain access to update classes in M-Pathways, Class Maintainers must take the following sequence of eLearning classes via My LINC:

  • CUE101
  • CUE201A
  • CUE201B
  • CUE201C

Class Maintainers must also take Class Creation Access Review (CUL301), which is offered regularly. Register for CUL301 via My LINC.

Other My LINC classes that are valuable for many Class Maintainers:

  • Event Scheduling (SAE115)
  • Independent Study and Permissions (SRE105)

Registrar’s Office Curriculum staff are available to provide detailed discussion or explanation of topics such as reserve capacities, class associations, and instructor data.

Classroom Scheduling

Classroom Information provides specific room characteristics and technical support information for the centrally scheduled classrooms.

Student Groups contact Student Organization Account Services (SOAS) to schedule a classroom.

Classroom scheduling information for groups outside the university community:
Conference Services
University Unions

Class and Classroom Scheduling Policy (Effective as of Winter 2013)

Space Planning

Useful Links

Course Maintenance
Room Scheduling
Schedule of Classes
Engineering (North Campus) Classroom Scheduling
Teaching Evaluations