
Each school, college, or department has at least one designated administrator who is responsible for ordering evaluations.
Administrators should work with their Unit Liaison to request the correct role SR EVALUATION ORDER USER and/or SR EVALUATION REPORT USER and appropriate academic org secondary security in the Online Access Request System (OARS).
Evaluations are typically ordered in the first month of a new term. Department administrators will receive an email letting them know when ordering begins. You’ll need to review the courses and decide which will get an evaluation. It is highly recommended that you download your DIG data every term.
To place an order you simply need to set the evaluate field to 'Y', select a template and save. All combined courses (including meet togethers) must have the same template assigned to the home and the away. Administrators have the option to edit the evaluation start/end date (including the time). Instructor changes (additions/deletions) from MPathways are not carried over to Blue – these changes must be done manually. The RO does clean up to ensure evaluations are ordered properly. It is not recommended that individuals publish their own courses. Please contact our office if you need an order published quickly.
After the evaluation has been published the instructor will get an email one to two weeks before their evaluation opens. This email lets them know that they can view the evaluation and optionally add their own questions. This is called Question Personalization (QP). Instructors cannot remove any of the department or university required questions.
The reports are generated after all evaluations have closed. Please note some evaluations close after final exams. Instructors will receive an email from Blue when their reports become available. The grade roster must be posted, including all sections of a combined course.
Administrators will need to have the SR EVALUATION REPORT USER role to view evaluation reports in Blue. Teaching evaluation reports are not available to instructors or department administrators through Canvas.