
As instructors you should receive a few automated emails from Blue every semester.
If at any point you do not receive any of these emails, please contact your department administrator to verify an evaluation was ordered for you. If you switch sections, you’ll need to notify your department administrator to ensure you are assigned to the correct section (in Blue). Otherwise, you may not receive the correct evaluation or in some cases you may not be evaluated at all.
The following may help to increase your response rates:
Reports are created and generated once all of the evaluations are closed for the term. Please note some evaluations are open through finals. Due to the large volume of reports being processed (especially in the fall and winter terms), they are not available immediately once the grade roster has been posted. Instructors will get an email when they are available.
Student instructors (GSI, TA, etc.) should use an incognito window and select 'Ann Arbor Instructor' in order to see their real-time response rates and reports. You cannot view your instructor information if you are logged in as a student.
Reports for any evaluations taken in spring 2018 or later can be found in Blue. These reports are not available in MPathways (MP). The Blue system defaults to 'Current'; for past terms please select 'Archived.'
Reports from fall 2008 through winter 2018 will be in Faculty Center (MP). If you need a report prior to fall 2008, please contact [email protected] with the course and instructor information. Please note instructor reports are not available in Canvas.